Thursday, January 30, 2020

Immune System and Stress Related Illness Essay Example for Free

Immune System and Stress Related Illness Essay Outline and evaluate research into the relationship between the immune system and Stress-related illness. (12marks) It is suggested that stress can result in immunosuppression which can lead to stress-related illnesses such as Coronary Heart Disease and high blood pressure. Kiecolt and Glaser conducted an experiment to see the effects of stress on the immune system. This was achieved by taking blood samples of 75 medical students one month before and during their examination period. They then compared the two blood samples and found decreased leucocyte activity in the sample taken during high levels of stress (during their exams). This shows that stress reduces the activity of the immune system, making them more susceptible to becoming ill. Advantages of the study are that blood tests are objective measurements, so there was no social desirability or experimenter bias when analysing the results. The participants were also compared to themselves which removes participant variables on how they perceive stressors. The experiment was a field experiment so there was no manipulating of the independant variable to deliberately cause stress to the participants which makes it ethical. It also means the research has ecological validity and can be applied to the wider world. However, a field experiment may have extraneous variables which impact the results. For example, the student lifestyle of having little sleep and poor accomidation may have been an alternative source of stress. Another disadvantage is that there was a biased sample used of students. It may not be possible to generalise students’ response to stress compared to the general population. Riley also did a study using rats on a rotating turntable for five hours. He found that over time, their white blood cell activity dramatically decreased and when injected with carcinogens they developed tumours more rapidly than a control group of rats. This showed that stress can make us reduce our immune system’s activity which can cause diseases to worsen or progress more rapidly. However, as the research was conducted on rats it can be argued that it can’t be applied to humans as out stress response may differ.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay --

Myocardial infarction is defined as pathological myocardial cell death due to a prolonged interruption of the blood supply to the heart, leading to a permanent loss of cardiomyocytes (Kristian Thygesen et al., 2012). The impact of myocardial infarction brought about a cascade of events followed by scar formation conferring protection to the insulted heart from being ruptured due to high pressure. Although it offers cardiac protection, scar tissues are instead acellular and lack the normal biochemical properties of cardiac cell, thus enhancing the possibilities of disrupting the contractile function of the heart. These then may eventually leads to the depressed left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function of the injured heart (Joggerst & Hatzopoulos, 2009). Heart, has been considered as a terminally differentiated organ with an almost absent self-regenerative capacity back in the early days. The dogma was then broken by the findings documented on the presence of a small cluster of a clonogenic endogenous cardiac stem cell pooling within the heart. These cluster of endogenous cardiac stem cell demonstrates self-renewal capacity and multi-lineage differentiation potential suggesting that heart possess own intrinsic repair mechanism (Antonio P. Beltrami et al., 2003; Bearzi et al., 2007; Ellison, Nadal-Ginard, & Torella, 2012; Koudstaal et al., 2013). However the number of the endogenous cardiac stem cell is too low, rendering the self-repair mechanism to fail (Beltrami et al., 2001). Stem cell based therapy holds promise in participating in the myocardial regeneration replacing the lost functional cardiomyocyte in the damaged myocardium. The roles of bone marrow stem cell transplantation in myocardial therapy too, have long... ... outcome of cardiac therapy. The main idea behind this novel therapeutic approach is the possibility to constrain the limitations of the administration of stem cells in stem cell-based therapy. Taking the advantage of the conditioned medium and the benefit of paracrine signaling factors in promoting endogenous cardiac repair mechanism, we are trying to look at the best culture conditioned in terms of cell seeding density, glucose concentration, serum replacement and incubation time in order to generate conditioned medium that employs a potent paracrine signaling action that might enhance the ex vivo expansion of cardiac stem cell and potentially to be marketed as an ‘off-the-shelf’ cardiac stem cell culture medium in the near future. Yet, more effort should be considered carefully before this novel noninvasive idea is implemented in a more complex clinical setting.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Explain how the mechanicals bring humour into the play Essay

The mechanicals in A Midsummer Night’s Dream are the group of actors that bring most of the comedy to the play. This is done by the mechanicals resembling the more unintelligent group out of the four featured in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the book, the mechanicals are called the Clowns. This implies that they are always fooling around; never getting any work done and maybe making people laugh. Maybe Shakespeare called them the Clowns because they convey most of the humour towards the audience in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. However, the mechanicals play near the end of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a serious play; where they do not mess around as they do in the rest of the book. This might suggest that the name Shakespeare gave to the actors (Clowns) does not imply all that it is supposed to. From the start we establish that Bottom takes his role as a leader and we notice that others look up to him as if they are respecting his authority. One of the characters names (Bottom) sounds rude now, but back when the play was first performed the word bottom meant courageous. Nick Bottom comes across in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as thunderous, friendly, and a little over-confident. He comes across to the other actors in the mechanicals as dumb or dull, insecure and irritating (e. g. when Bottom wants to play all the parts in the play – ‘And I may hide my face, let me play Thisbe too! I’ll speak in a monstrous little voice’). Bottom also says that he will play every part in their play flawlessly, and that he can act every single part. Instead, when Bottom is rehearsing his part in the play, he messes everything up (pronouncing words wrong – ‘Odious’ instead of odorous) and he forgets lines. In the end, he just plays Pyramus. The way the mechanicals bring humour into A Midsummer Night’s Dream is mainly through Nick Bottom. Bottom is the fool in the play; always getting things wrong. Bottom comes across as a little dumb; maybe eccentric. He gets his words wrong, comes up with feeble ideas, and has a spell put on him by Puck. The spell transforms Bottom’s head into an ass’s head. I think it would convey more humour to A Midsummer Night’s Dream by having Bottom transform into an ass entirely. Near the end of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, in act 5 scene 1, the mechanicals act out their play. Many things bring humour into A Midsummer Night’s Dream at this point. Peter Quince tells the audience that the lion is not a lion, but Snug the joiner. The audience would know that the lion is not a real lion, as it is just common sense. When Snug is playing the part of the lion, Snug doesn’t want to scare the audience so the actor roars as softly as he can. Snug also explains that he is not really a lion, but playing the part of a lion. This may mean that when the play was performed, being a lion was a disgrace, or an insult. The result of Snug explaining that he is not really a lion, but playing the part of, is that he will not be shamed after the play, or be booed by Theseus. After Snug is finished explaining the he is not a lion, he earns approval from Lysander, Theseus and Demetrius (the stage audience). Shakespeare uses language to create moods and atmosphere within the characters, and also make the characters think how they are feeling. The main mood created in of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is that of humour. He creates these moods by the descriptive writing he uses in his sentences. His sentences are well structured, and he chooses the places well where he makes the characters speak in prose and verse. For instance, when the mechanicals are talking casually together, they speak in verse; when acting out their play in front of the duke, they speak in prose. Some of the misunderstandings of the mechanicals are when Puck puts the spell on Bottom. Quince says ‘O monstrous! O strange! We are haunted! Pray, masters, fly, masters! Help! ‘ This shows that they are unsure of what to think of Bottom, and Bottom is oblivious to the fact that he has an asses head on him. Instead Bottom starts singing (to show that he id not afraid of what they are saying to him). This in turn wakes Titania up, who has had the love juice put on her eyes. As she wakes up, she instantly falls in love with Bottom. This is reminiscent of the fact that of A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s main mood it creates is that of humour and that it is mainly the mechanicals that are involved in, or create the humour.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Graffiti As A Modern Form Of Art - 888 Words

Art has been a highly valued way of expressing oneself in any culture. Through the use of the artistic skill one can show the oppression that may be felt from society, or to develop a certain style that follows what the culture is up to date with and problems that may need some emphasis to be noticed. Art is not only left for the artistically skilled to do anyone who can develop a thought and can put artistic meaning on their own creative canvas can be considered an artist. Graffiti has been considered as an irrational way of property damage called â€Å"art†, or a beautiful way for the common artist to express their problems, thoughts or ideas. Graffiti should be considered a modern form of art. Graffiti possesses all the makings to be considered artwork that can be achieved by anyone and is placed on public walls for all to view and interpret as they feel accordingly. Graffiti is an art form that the common person can use to express their views, but graffiti is also an extre mely controversial topic in society. Some people believe that public space should not be destroyed by tagging and graffiti, but the people that think that put graffiti and tagging in the same category. For example, someone could paint a mural on a public space of a little girl holding a soldiers hand. This isn’t someone destroying a public space, this is someone making a beautiful representation of their take on what the army is doing for the world. If this was on a paper canvas it could be put in an artShow MoreRelatedGraffiti As A Sustainable And Decent Art Form1397 Words   |  6 PagesIn modern societies, there are ongoing debates among multiple stakeholders regarding the nature and acceptability of graffiti as a sustainable and decent art form. Having gained immense popularity in urban environments, graffiti has always been on the verge between art and vandalism. The reason for such controversial perceptions lies in the definition of graffiti and its origins. As Campos defines it, â€Å"graffiti and street art could be considered a practice through which individuals appropriate theRead MoreIs Graffiti Really Art?974 Words   |  4 PagesIs Graffiti Really Art? Is graffiti seen as vandalism or a notable art that is used to voice the opinion of many artists? Many are quick to conclude that graffiti is an act of defacing public property, but few are in understanding of what real graffiti is. Graffiti is defined as art that is displayed or created in public spaces. So this presents the question of why some critics believe that graffiti should not be classified as a real subcategory of art. Below is the explanation as to why graffitiRead MoreGraffiti Art Or A Crime? Essay1285 Words   |  6 Pages Is graffiti an art or a crime? There is much controversy that surrounds graffiti even though some people may feel graffiti is an act of vandalism. I feel that graffiti is one of the most interesting expressions of art. â€Å"Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination† (Lloyd 1) Graffiti is an art because it uses key elements of art. These elements include color, line and form. These elements are all included in both traditional art and graffitiRead More Graffiti Essay948 Words   |  4 Pages GRAFFITI: A VISUAL DIALOUGE Graffiti: term applied to the arrangement of institutionally illicit marks in which there has been an attempt by an individual or group of individuals (usually not professional artists) to display upon a wall or surface that is usually visually accessible to the public. Even if one has never seen graffiti before, a negative image would probably pop into one’s mind after reading this definition. Graffiti is not only a work of art, it also includes the underground cultureRead MoreEssay on Graffiti - The Public Art Movement800 Words   |  4 PagesGRAFFITI - The Public Art Movement The widespread dissemination of colorful graffiti paintings on the walls of our major cities has made it impossible to ignore this form of public art. As contact with this form of expression increases, one starts to recognize styles, recurrent themes, patterns and stylistic influences. To the masses graffiti seems to represent vandalism, an ugly and threatening attempt to undermined social value and prestige. For graffiti writers, graffiti is a secret expressionRead MoreGraffiti As Art And Graffiti Essay993 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper looked at graffiti in two different ways, graffiti as art and graffiti as vandalism. Looking at some literatures, it was discovered that the use of graffiti was meant to declare freedom within the city and to bring color throughout the city/world. However, the opinion of non-graffiti artists affected the outlook on graffiti itself, thereby causing the defacement of buildings and influencing the social processes of a community. This paper therefore hope to arrive at a conclusion which willRead MoreStreet Art: Crime or Art?1517 Words   |  7 Pagesis Street Art? Street art is arguably classed as Urban Art and also known as Contemporary Art. This form of Art represents the voice of the lower class in debate with the political class, they express themselves with sprays on plaster and endure A life spent scribbling in books scrambling over walls and fences, scrawling on any available surface. It is today accepted by designers and artists who also are influenced by these contemporary visualised forms, this form of contemporary art has changedRead MoreEssay on Modern Street Art vs. Graffiti933 Words   |  4 PagesModern street art and graffiti are undeniably tied together. Graffiti could be considered the forefather of street art in many ways- it has paved the way for the development of modern street art. Yet, while both are still hotly debated topics, street art is seen in a more positive light while graffiti is still considered to be a negative term. Graffiti is associated with the vandalism that the government desperately wanted to erase. Graffiti has played a huge role in the development of street artRead MoreThe Graffiti And Its Effects On Society1367 Words   |  6 Pages Graffiti is drawings or writing that have been written hurriedly, rubbed or illegally painted on a wall or other surface in a public place. It ranges from simple written words to detailed wall paintings. (Wikipedia, n.d.). Graffiti shows that it is a form of art communication especially visual, usually illegal, and display unauthorized marking of public place as an individual or group. Even though the typical image of graffiti which illustrates symbol or phrase on a wall has caused by a member ofRead MoreGraffiti Vandalism Essay993 Words   |  4 PagesIs graffiti vandalism or art? Many people say that graffiti is art, while others disagree saying its vandalism. In my opinion, graffiti is art. This type of art can be understood in different ways and can be considered as vandalism. It really all depends on what the picture expresses to you and what you see. But everyone has their own opinions and everyone sees everything differently. While many of these artists who are extremely tale nted and spend most of their time on their pieces, our society